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G 6 Posts in this encyclopedia category


G10 is a glass-fiber-reinforced plastic (GRP), which is used mainly for handles, but also for blades and even for whole knives. Handles of this material usually have a rough surface and are often...

Geoff Blauvelt

Geoff Blauvelt is a young Knife Maker from Pennsylvania, who develops handmade knives under the brand name Tuff Knives. High-quality materials and modern workmanship characterize his designs.


GIN-1 is a Japanese steel of lower mid-tier quality that is very rare on the knife market these days. Over time, it was replaced by several other steel types.

Grant & Gavin Hawk

The brilliant inventors duo Grant & Gavin Hawk is a term for most knife fans. Since 1995 father and son work together in Idaho on innovative knives, always looking for a way to improve...

Grenadill Wood

Grenadill is a type of wood often used to make knife handles. The African hardwood is dark brown or black in color. Due to its dark color, Grenadill (Dalbergia melanoxylon) is also known as...


In knife manufacture, Guayacan ebony is used to make handle scales. It is one of the world's most precious woods.This fine wood is rarely used to make handle scales, which are rather precious.