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R 12 Posts in this encyclopedia category

R. J. Martin

R. J. Martin began to design and manufacture his own knives when he was a teenager. The enthusiastic fisherman quickly recognized his passion in designing and began to study materials technology.

Raimund Lhotak

Raimund Lhotak is a typographer and designer. Since 1999, he designs modern Knives. His designs, which are often located in the tactical sector, convince with clear and progressive forms.

Ram Maramba

Ram Maramba from Texas, who unfortunately passed away very young in 2015, is well known for his designs, which combine straightness and flowing forms in very pleasing conceptions.

Raphael Durand

The French Knife Maker Raphael Durand studied at the University of Lyon and now runs a smithy in Thiers. He transforms traditional designs into modern concepts.


Blades with an edge that curves inward possess a so-called recurve grind. Recurve-ground blades are very well suited for cutting objects with a rounded or curved surface and for cutting rope.

Rex Applegate

Rex Applegate was born in 1914 in Oregon, where he was taught to hunt and shoot in his youngest years. After his service in the Second World War he started developing and improving combat knives.

Rob Amsler

In the main profession photographer, Rob Amsler from Pennsylvania is also a gifted designer and Knife Maker. Each individual step is carried out by him himself, his sense for every little detail...

Robert Sederl

Since 2008, the skilled rifle and toolmaker Robert Sederl has been producing high-quality knives through laborious hand work. His designs are based on clear lines and classical forms.


Rockwell hardness is a unit of measurement used to indicate the hardness of technical materials, including the metal from which knife blades are made.


Rosewood is the trade name of the lumber harvested from trees of the Dalbergia genus. Rosewood is characterized by its dark coloring and striking pattern.


Rubber is a versatile material used in knife production to make handles. Its main characteristics are maximum resilience, durability and imperviousness to oil and moisture.


Ruthenium is a chemical element with the element symbol Ru and atomic number 44. It is an extremely hard platinum metal that is used in very small amounts.